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Automatic manipulator features

According to the automated Manipulator and automatic production lines in the national economy of various industries applications, automated robots have some of the following characteristics.
1.Diversification of raw materials
The first major category is the machinery manufacturing industry, including mechanical processing, light industry machinery and other metal materials as raw materials for processing, such as clocks, sewing machines, bicycles and household appliances and other durable consumer goods processing. The second major category is to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, vice and chemical products and other non-metallic materials as raw materials for processing, such as food machinery in the pastry machinery to agricultural products as the main raw material; canning, brewing machinery to agriculture, by-products as the main processing raw materials; pulp and paper machinery to forest products and agricultural and by-products as raw materials; leather machinery to animal husbandry products as the main raw material; ceramics, glass, plastic machinery to minerals, chemical products as its raw materials. It shows that the automation robot and automatic production line application areas are wide.

2.Automated manipulators and automatic production line process type diversification.
(1) The completion of the mechanical role of metal cutting, assembly.
(2) To complete the physical role of tobacco.
(3) The completion of biochemical role of fermentation.
(4) Electroplating and galvanic corrosion for electrochemical action.
(5) The completion of the chemical role of the paper machinery in the cooking, light bulb machinery in the melting.

3.A wide range of categories, diversified structure
Industrial categories, the use of machinery due to industry, processing products, function and role of the different, and therefore in the principle and movement of institutions have great differences, and even to complete the same function will have different working principles and different institutions. Such as machining production line processing the same product can use different equipment, the application of automated robots and automatic production lines are also different; candy packaging machine has a variety of different process principles and structures; light bulb winding machine due to the different process principles, there is no core, continuous core and core discontinuous wire winding machine.

4.A large number of products, high degree of automation
Industrial products are necessary for people's daily lives, and therefore require mass production, which inevitably requires the widespread use of semi-automated, automated robots, followed by the application of automatic production lines are increasingly widespread.

5.Industrial automation robot often has a complex action, high speed of institutional movement, involving a wide range of disciplines, rapid renewal and other characteristics.

Post time: Apr-06-2022